Professor Liesbet Hooghe and Professor Gary Marks will receive the prestigious Daniel Elazar Award for 2017 awarded by the Federalism & Intergovernmental Relations section of the American Political Science Association. The Daniel Elazar Award recognizes “distinguished scholarly contributions to the study of federalism and intergovernmental relations.” Hooghe and Marks will be presented with the award at the annual APSA conference on September 1, 2017.
Professors Hooghe and Marks’ statement on receiving the award: “We owe a large debt of gratitude to many friends and colleagues at UNC, and in particular to former UNC graduates Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman-Osterkatz, and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield, who have worked for years with us in coauthoring a recent book on multilevel governance in Latin America and Southeast Asia.”
Past recipients of the Daniel Elazar Distinguished Federalism Scholar Award include Samuel Beer, Martha Derthick, Wallace Oates, Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, Ronald Watts, Barry Weingast, and our beloved former colleague, Deil Wright.