316 Hamilton Hall
Office Hours:
by appointment only At hoyman@unc.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Michele M. Hoyman, Associate Professor of Political Science, received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan in 1978. After graduating, she went on to become a faculty member at the University of Illinois Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, where she taught labor-related subjects and research methods from 1978 to 1981. She then went to the University of Missouri–St. Louis where she taught public sector personnel, public policy and public administration.. In 1999, she joined the University of North Carolina political science as tenured faculty and the Master of Public Administration program as an adjunct professor. She has also been a professional labor arbitrator since 1987. Her current research areas of interest include economic development, social capital, and labor relations. She has published in Public Administration Review, Economic Development Quarterly, and Industrial and Labor Relations Review.
For more information on Dr. Hoyman’s work in arbitration, click here.